Monday, March 05, 2007

Deut 29

Deuteronomy 29

“The secret things belong to Jehovah our God, but the revealed things belong to us and to our sons forever, so that we may do all the words of this Law” (Deut 30:29).

The secret thing belongs to God. What is the secret thing? The obvious answer to this is, “That is what makes it a secret!” I find there are tons of mysteries in the Bible. How is it that God allows us to have free choice yet He knows what is going to happen? How is it that God is everywhere? How is that I can know that God is with me even though I cannot see Him? How did God make everything. How is that God just exists. Why is it that if we look upon the face of God we die? Why does Jesus love us?

I believe all of us have asked these questions once in our life. I believe God, in His perfection, answers us accordingly, or does not answer us at all. This chapter is a recap of where Israel had come from and where they are going. It is similar to our nation’s State of the Union Address. In this speech, the leader of the country, the president, comes before the people and shares where America has come from over the last few months and where America is going. In the end, not all the questions are answered, but some are. In the end, everyone thinks over what the leader said and comes up with their own opinions. In the end, everyone wants to know more.

I feel that this very much resembles what the Lord does in our lives. He sits us down and says, this is the state of your life. He then proceeds to tell us everything we are doing right and everything we need to work on. I know in my life what seems to be the issue is, what happens next? Here I am, before God, and He tells me what I need to do now and I am concerned about what happens next. I want to know everything about my life. I want to know where I am going to end up. I want to know the secrets God has stored for me. Instead God tells us, “Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Instead He tells us, “The secret things belong to the Lord…”

Gang, God has something in store for all of you. Ultimately, all secrets will be revealed in heaven. I am so encouraged that God has gone to prepare a place for us. Heaven is being prepared for us! Remember to serve the Lord, today! Do not worry about the secrets, because God’s timing is best, and the secrets belong to Him.

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