Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Psalm 94

How long, O LORD? How long will the wicked be allowed to gloat? How long will they speak with arrogance? How long will these evil people boast? They crush Your people, LORD, hurting those You claim as Your own. They kill widows and foreigners and murder orphans. "The LORD isn't looking," they say, "and besides, the God of Israel doesn't care." Think again, you fools! When will you finally catch on? Is He deaf—the One who made your ears? Is He blind—the One who formed your eyes? He punishes the nations—won't He also punish you? He knows everything—doesn't He also know what you are doing?

(Psalms 94:3-10)

JUSTICE – It is a word that gets thrown around a lot, but something that we rarely, if ever, see practiced here in this world. In fact, if we look around us, the thing that obviously exists is INJUSTICE, and it often goes completely unpunished. All over the world people are doing horrible things to other people as if no one cares, as if nothing can stop them.

We see in this passage that God’s heart is for the oppressed… He loves the orphan, the widow, the stranger… He has a heart for those who the world pushes aside, those that we refer to today as being “marginalized”. These people are mistreated all over the world today in some of the most unimaginably ugly ways. The things that people do to them are indescribably evil, and are things that should NEVER take place.

We are reminded in this passage that God knows all of this, and He is watching. The psalmist reminds us… God can hear it all, and He can see it all… no one will get away with anything. There is a day coming when all the evil and depravity in this world will be overturned… Every wrong will be made right, and Jesus himself will be the first truly Just ruler this world has ever seen.

We can escape His judgment only by accepting the price He has already paid for our sins. He died so that we could live, and the life He has given us is one that should be used to serve Him, not to further damage the world through sin and injustice. Remember this today… the Lord sees everything we do, and He is coming back soon to make all things right… May we be found serving Him and the world He loves, and not hurting or harming those He has called His own!

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