Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Job 20

Job 20:28-29 The increase of his house will depart, And his goods will flow away in the day of His wrath. (29) This is the portion from God for a wicked man, The heritage appointed to him by God."

There is one thing about the response of Job's friends which annoy me beyond all other. Job's friends are not listening to the heart of what Job is saying. They are simply listening to the words that come out, and waiting to lay their own wisdom down.

Sometimes people are like a search page, like Google for instance. When you talk to them, they sit, waiting for key words that they might make an assumption about what your are saying. Job's friends did not like the fact that Job was making himself sound like the good guy. Well, the fact is Job was the good guy, and if they listened to what Job was saying they would realize it. Instead, they hear Job say words that counter there thinking, and this raises a red flag in them. Rather than think about what he was saying, they ambush him with more foolish talk.

Gang, there are people out there who will not listen to the heart of the matter. They would rather listen to keywords, like a search page, rather than the complete thought. They would rather mull over one thing you say, rather than what you are trying to say. These people come when you are down. Their concern is not to raise you up, but to prove their point. Live wisely. FInd your hope in God not in man. Job had to endure these false allegations. Soemtimes we will too.

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