Saturday, January 19, 2008

Chapter 17

"My spirit is crushed, and my life is nearly snuffed out. The grave is ready to receive me.

(Job 17:1)

My days are over. My hopes have disappeared. My heart's desires are broken.

(Job 17:11)

Listen to the cry of Job here. He is a broken man, a man who has completely lost hope, a man who needs to be reminded of the HOPE THAT HEAVEN HOLDS!

His spirit had been CRUSHED

The desires of his heart had been BROKEN

His hope had DISAPPEARED

His life was nearly SNUFFED OUT

The grave was ready to SWALLOW HIM UP

His days were OVER

If life on earth is all that there is, then Job would be left with no options. BUT THERE IS MORE THAN JUST THIS LIFE! Job’s hope had disappeared because it was a hope that was founded on the TEMPORAL things of this world. We have a HOPE that is heavenly, a hope that promises to act as an ANCHOR FOR OUR SOULS, keeping us in the presence of God. This hope is the hope of ETERNAL LIFE, The promise that what we see isn’t all that we get, and that there is more to life than this. It is the hope that though this body might die, WE WILL NEVER DIE!

As Christians we may go through TREMENDOUSLY DIFFICULT TIMES, but Paul tells us in 2nd Corinthians that those times are NOTHING when compared to the GLORY that waits in heaven. He tells us that though our outer man decay, our INNER MAN is being RENEWED day by day.

Right now, Job can’t see beyond his present circumstances, but a time is coming when it all will change… God is NOT done with Job, though Job feels abandoned.

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