Sunday, June 03, 2007

2 Samuel 5

So David inquired of the LORD, saying, "Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You deliver them into my hand?" And the LORD said to David, "Go up, for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into your hand."
(2Sa 5:19)

David is king! Just like that, in the Lord’s perfect timing, the people of Israel give David the kingdom. There was no controversy, just open hearts. Here is David, king of Israel. He is on top of the world. He has just conquered the mighty Jerusalem, and made it for himself his capital. He has heard word of the Philistines coming to attack him. What does he do?

A. Put his new, larger army into action.
B. Knowing he is the Philistines bane, he confidently attacks the Philistines without worry.
C. He humbly goes to the Lord for answers.

Of course the answer is C. David could have been like any other person. He could attacked the Philistines with his new army thinking, “If I survived when there were just a thousand of us imagine what I can do now.” He could have put his confidence in his previous success. Instead he went to the Lord. At the top of his life, he was making sure the glory went to Jesus.

Often times as Christians we only go to the Lord when we need something. As soon as things go our way we do not take the time to pray and talk to Jesus. I believe that is why the Lord allows things to break us, to bring us back to that place. Like David, we need to be going to the Lord for everything. It is He that puts us in that place of victory, how dare we rely on our own power! Yesterday we talked about, maybe you have been waiting for something from the Lord. Today I challenge you and I, maybe we have been given something from the Lord. Are we going to Him and asking Him how it may best be used for His glory? Are we of the mindset that now that it has been given we can do whatever we want with it? At the top of your lives, give it all back to Jesus.

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