Thursday, November 22, 2007

Nehemiah 4

Neh 4:17 Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon.

Things are getting rough. Nehemiah has four armies ready to attack him and the Jews. He has a half built wall and the people are getting restless. What does he do?

1. Burden
2. Prayer
3. Decision/sacrifice
4. Action
5. Work (Possibly alone)
6. Trials and scorn
7. Working alongside of brothers and sisters

Well in this chapter we see the elements of ministry going to work. Nehemiah and the people still have a burden. They are praying every night. They are sacrificing everything to build the wall. They are certainly taking action. They realize the work at hand and they are addressing it. They are working through the trials and scorn. Finally, they are certainly working together. The eighth element of ministry is shown here:

8. A tenacious will and desire to get the job done.

Nehemiah and the people of Israel had just this. They were of a one track mind. In fact, our theme verse for the day tells us that they worked with one hand and carried weapons in the other. Imagine what that would do to production! Imagine how it would be to building a wall and think that at any moment you might here that horn which means the enemy is upon you. They were ready to fight. They were ready to build. Their hearts were of a tenacious will: Finish the Job. God has called us to minister in one way or another. Are we fervently attacking that? Are our hearts fixed on finishing the job? Do we allow circumstances to change our direction? Be tenacious.

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