Friday, November 09, 2007

Ezra 7

Ezr 7:10 For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel.

We are so funny concerning our walks with the Lord. Sometimes we feel that just arriving is enough to have a good relationship with Jesus. Have you ever had a friend who treated you this way? They arrive at your house and their body language just makes you feel like their saying, "Well, I am here. Entertain me." I feel that we do this all the time with Jesus. We finally take some time out of our day for Him or we enter church with the attitude, "I arrived, You do the rest."

Ezra's heart as nothing like this. The verse above tells us that he prepared his heart just so he could seek the Lord. Another thing that stands out is as he prepared to read the Law of God, he was preparing to do it. What a great attitude to have. I would encourage you, as you prepare to read God's Word today and tomorrow and for the rest of your life, first prepare your heart to obey it. If you read His Word with no intension to obey it than you truly are content with just showing up.

Finally, Ezra was preparing to teach and share God's Word. This is the beautiful step by step instruction for diggin into God's Word. You dig in to seek God, and to do His will, and finally to share that will with others. It was as if Ezra was saying, "Unless I am willing to do all of the above, I am not reading the Word." Ezra is a warrior. I need to be the same way. This is not just for me to take in, but it is a sword. Unless you intend to dish it out, it does no good. Let's all learn from Ezra and approach God's Word with a new heart.


Anonymous said...

You missed Saturday.

Anonymous said...

This is so true, I am sometimes like that when I read the Bible. Just reading it and not really "listening" or trying to understand what it says.
PS~ I have been gone for such a long time, life has been so busy, but I intend to catch up on my reading.

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