Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Nehemiah 3

"Next to him..."

God uses an interesting term to describe the church. He calls it a "body." Truly the body is one of the greatest of all His works. Everything has a function. We then try to master every facet of the body. When someone has a certain part mastered, we call them professionals. Have you ever watched professional sports? Have you ever watched the Olympics. These are people with their bodies mastered and honed in for one thing and one thing only. When the runner races; his arms race, his legs race, his eyes race, everything races.

The church is one body. When we see a goal, we need to all be charging toward it. The greatest criticism against the church is its hypocrisy. Have you ever tried to run without using your arms? Instead you can just let them dangle and you will be forced to pull them along! The church sometime does just this. We look silly. Not everyone is in one accord because not everyone is looking toward the head, Jesus.

In our story today Israel is working as one. Remember, we are learning about ministry. We already have: 1. Burden 2. Prayer 3. Decision/sacrifice 4. Action 5. Work (Possibly alone) 6. Trials and scorn. There will be lonely times in ministry but it is crucial and element that there is united times as well. If you are ministering and there is no one there being ministered to, what is the point? Also, because we live in a culture where we have church functions, God has enriched us and designed us to be built up by Christian brothers and sisters. This is critical. We need to work alongside each other, encouraging one another, and building each other up. This does not mean that we do not bear a responsibility of our own. Hands grab, eyes see, ears hear, etc. But we are to move as one under the Lord's calling and leadership (He is the head). Therefore, work alongside each other. Do not bear another person's responsibility, but bear their burden. You are to cry when they cry and laugh when they laugh. Live as one body, under Jesus, indivisible, in Him.

7th. Element to Ministry - Working alongside brothers and sisters

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