Monday, October 22, 2007

2 Chronicles 28

2Ch 28:22 Now in the time of his distress King Ahaz became increasingly unfaithful to the LORD. This is that King Ahaz.

As Christians, we often say that a person needs to hit rock bottom before they will look up. Interesting enough, Ahaz was the complete opposite.

This principle is true for many people because hitting rock bottom forces someone to make a decision. They can choose to turn for help in Jesus or they can choose to stay stuck in their ways. Jesus lived the type of life which made people make a decision. Peter, James, and John met Jesus, were challenged by Jesus, and chose to follow Jesus. The rich young ruler met Jesus, was challenged by Jesus, and went a different direction. Does this mean Jesus scared away an opportunity? No! It is a tremendous example for us to reflect Him by leaving people with the decision to say yes to Him or no to Him. Who knows if later on down the line the rich young ruler though back to that day and decided to give his life to Jesus. Only God knows. I encourage all of you, you cannot go wrong with presenting Jesus. Even if people say no, at least you let them have the opportunity to say yes.

King Ahaz was at the most distressing moment of his life. Like God tells us through the story of Nebuchadnezzar, He will lower the prideful. Ahaz then decided to stay stuck in his ways. He was driven to the point of decision and he chose to live a life where he was god of his life and no one else.

Maybe you have an opportunity to present this decision to someone. Be a friend and ask the hard question. Maybe you yourself have met up with this decision. Face the facts man, Jesus loves you, and you need to surrender your life.

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