Thursday, July 26, 2007

1 Kings 19

Do you ever feel alone? Do you ever look around at your friends, your family, your classmates or coworkers and think, “why am I so different”? If so, then you aren’t in bad company… in our text today that is exactly how Elijah felt. He comes down off of the mountain top, where everyone said “we will worship the LORD”, only to find that there was a price on his head. So, he runs… he runs and he hides. The Lord comes to him, provides for his needs, sustains him, and after all of that the Lord speaks to him.

The Lord asks Elijah, “What are you doing here”? Then He sends a series of events… A strong wind, an earthquake, a fire… but He is not found in any of those things. The wind, the earthquake, the fire… they brought power, strength, noise… but the Lord wasn’t there. Then Elijah hears a still small voice, the Lord is there! This is the way the Lord often works… we have all of this madness going on around us, and He speaks in a gentle whisper, reminding us who He is, and what He wants to do. Our God is so powerful, yet He comes to us in such gentleness and love. Here is Elijah, and He isn’t where is supposed to be. He is weak and afraid, hiding away, and the Lord has work for him to do. God doesn’t come in screaming and swinging. He comes with a still small voice… listen to what He says…

“Elijah, what are you doing here”? Elijah’s answer is honest and simple; “I have followed you zealously, I have lived for you completely; I am the only one alive that still follows you, and everybody wants to kill me”. – The Lord’s response to Elijah is Incredible.

· First He tells him “GO”. – Go to the wilderness of Damascus. The Lord doesn’t just tell Elijah to “get outta here”, but He gives him a clear direction.

· Then He tells him to “DO”. – God gives Elijah PURPOSE. Rather than just sitting around like he was doing in this cave, The Lord has important business for Elijah. He wants Elijah to ANNOINT three different individuals. God wanted Elijah to be involved in ministering to others!

· Lastly He tells Elijah “YOU ARE NOT ALONE”. – Elijah felt so alone, but the Lord knew things he didn’t, and saw things he couldn’t. Elijah was not alone; there were 7000 others who were still faithful to the Lord!!! Our view of things gets so skewed when we allow fear to drive us and dominate us. If we will simply trust the Lord, then we can begin to see things the way the Lord sees them.

Today if you are feeling alone… however you may have gotten there, hear the still small voice of the Lord. Maybe sin has driven you from His presence, maybe fear has caused you to run… whatever the case, put your faith in JESUS; He loves you SO MUCH. He is gentle, and He is full of love ad grace. He tells us that He is “meek and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your souls”.

1 comment:

David Reinhold said...

Ever have those days when you have a headache and all you want to do is crawl into as quiet secluded area and be a bum? Those days where the whole world seem pitted against you? I think that Elijah was having one of those days. Jesus had them as well. When he fed the five thousand he was not having a good day. The bible said that he was tired. But he still gave his all to the people that he was teaching to. I think that is a great example. Next time we have one of those days, lets try to remember not to let the headache or pressure control our actions and moods, but lets try to listen to the still small voice.

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