Tuesday, July 03, 2007

1 Kings 10

So Solomon answered all her questions; there was nothing so difficult for the king that he could not explain it to her. (1Ki 10:3)

Imagine all your questions being answered! I know I have a ton of questions I would love to ask Solomon. The queen of Sheba came prepared with questions. She was somewhat skeptical about this guy. Verse one tells us that she came to test him with hard questions. It was not long before she was sharing the questions of her heart.

The heart is a funny thing. We know we have one. We know that what we keep in it is special. We know that what we share from our heart should only be shared to people we can trust. The Queen of Sheba came for one purpose, to test Solomon. She left with the thoughts of her heart answered. I guarantee it was no struggle for her to share those hard questions. I am sure it very quickly led to those thoughts of her heart. Maybe all the gifts afterwards were her of making sure Solomon did not tell of those thoughts. Either way, when we find someone wise and someone we can trust, it is a very good thing to be able to share what is on your heart. I am sure the queen was grateful that she could head back to her country with the answers to those “hard questions.” More so, I am sure she was peaceful knowing that she had finally found answers to the questions of her heart.

We are always going to have heart questions. Find somebody you can trust, someone you consider wise in the Lord, and share with them. Also, consider being that person for someone else. Notice that when Solomon shared his wisdom, God was glorified. People recognized this as coming from Someone else. Draw closer to God and allow Him to make you wiser so that you can answer those heart questions for others.


Anonymous said...

AMAZING DEVO!!!! I have only, besides my parents, a few people I can trust, and I hope those people think that they can trust me.

Anonymous said...

Happy fourth of July. By the way, I know who "the sharpest tool in the shed is".....

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