Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Exodus 37

In Exodus 37, we see Bezaleel building all of the things in the tabernacle made of wood, metal and stone. He is doing incredible things, things that you and I have no clue how to do. When was the last time you built things out of shittim wood and overlaid them in pure gold. That was just the start though, this guy made a pure gold statue of two cherubim to cover the altar, and he beat it out of one solid piece of gold! He made a super ornate candlestick that looked like 6 almond blossoms, complete with stems, knobs and blossoms. To top it all of, the guy even made the incense and the oil, the work of a perfume maker.

When I read what this guy did, and try to picture him doing it all alone, then try to picture myself doing it, I come to one conclusion: Bezaleel was born for this job! We already read that He was given wisdom from the lord to do these things (it appears he had this wisdom before the job came) and that the Holy Spirit stirred his heart to do the work. In my opinion, Bezaleel is the perfect example of the Lord creating people for a specific purpose. This concept is also known as the “specific will of God”.

God has a general will and a specific will. His “general will” is just that, general. It is His will that we should all be saved, It is His will that we should all be sanctified, it is His will that we give thanks in all things, and so the list goes on and on. The general will of God for our lives is laid out crystal clear for us in the Word of God. It is where we all must begin if we want to know God’s specific will for our lives. Bezaleel would never have been able to fulfill this divine purpose for his life if he had not first been living according to God’s general will. I like to look it this way: we have to be on the right path before we can be stepping in the footprints God has setup for us to walk in.

I believe that God has a very specific will for each one of our lives, something we were tailor made to do. Whatever this thing is, whether it be big or small in our eyes, In God’s economy it is the greatest thing we can ever do! There is no greater accomplishment in this life than fulfilling the purpose you were created for. Every step in our journey is ordered by the Lord. The question is simple, will we take those steps, or will we try and forge our own path?

This journey began the day we got saved, and it won’t end until the day we meet Jesus face to face. Each one of our journeys will be the same in the sense that they will be walked out on the straight and narrow. Each journey will be different in that none of us have identical missions from the Lord. My question to you is simple: Are you on the right path? If not, then you cannot possibly expect to know God’s will in ANY situation you face. If you are on the right path, I ask you this: Are you listening to the Lord as He guides you each step of the way? Don’t miss out on the great works that God has planned for you… Be like Bezaleel, an example of a person doing exactly what God made them for!

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
(Eph 2:10)

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