Saturday, November 11, 2006

Exodus 20

Exodus 20

Obviously I cannot teach on every commandment in this amount of space. Therefore, I think it would be really cool if all of you did your own devotion for us to read. Just post it as a comment and write something about one of the commandments. If you want to repeat what a commandment someone else already did that is fine. Who knows, maybe by the end we will have a devotion for every commandment. I will start us off.

“Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.”

I am still focused on the topic of holiness. We are told here to take a day to the side and keep it holy, or set apart, or even, a day to be used of God. Obviously, every day we have we are to be open to what the Lord has in store. However, we are to have one day of rest. What does this day rest from? It rests from all of our business. It is a rest from routine. It is a rest of the things we have to think about here on earth, that we might dwell on the Lord. In fact, the word “rest” means to dwell. Does that mean we might actually have to work on the day of rest? Yes, work in the Lord and work for the Lord. Once again, it is a rest from the world that we might be set apart for God.

Interesting that Sunday has become a day of rest for the world. Satan is a great counterfeit. What it has really become is a day of self. It is my day to do what I want to do. I have worked all week, now I deserve one day. NO! The Sabbath is a day to rest from our business and it is a day that entirely belongs to the Lord. May we do what He wills and that only. It is our day to set apart and truly just dwell on Him.

Gang, I realize we have a free will. I would implore you, when you come to church on Sunday, realize that every moment of the Sabbath belongs to Him. You may think, “it would be nice to sleep in and just watch football, after all I am supposed to be resting.” This could not be further than what the Lord wants. Set apart Sunday in your heart. Ask the Lord what He wants you to do with it. See what the Lord has instore!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"You shall not covet"
I find this is one of the hardest commandments for me to follow. It's not that I don't try to keep it, I really do, but I'll still find myself thinking if only I had this.... I'm sure we've all have that problem at one time or another. It's human nature to want what others have instead of being content with what you have already, but no matter how hard that may seem it is eiser to be content. Just ask the Lord to help you every time you start feel what you have is unadequate. It is ALWAYS eisier to have the Lord at your side, and not have to face life alone.

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