Saturday, November 25, 2006

Exodus 34 - Covenant Renewed

"And Jehovah said to Moses, Cut out two tablets of stone like the first. And I will write upon the tablets the words that were in the first tablets which you broke" (Exodus 34:1).

Moses was the man. He was the man all the people of Israel would go to when they were in trouble. He, himself, was experiencing what it was to be in the presence of God. He had just received the Holy Laws of God. He was walking down to the people. He sees that the people had built this golden calf. SO he slams down the tablets. Of all the people in the world right now I understand what it is to slam down something of great value (needless to say, my laptop is not around anymore). Consider slamming down the laws of God.
First thing to being a light for the Lord is to be in His presence. Moses was with the Lord. He was spending time with Him. He was taking in first hand what it is to feel grace. I cannot stress to you enough how sweet grace is. I believe the full understanding of grace will change anyone's life. As we look at all the laws remember, the priests were clad in linen that it might be understood that it was not their work that granted them atonement. What am I clad in? Am I like Moses? Do I slam down the laws of the Lord, as though I have fulfilled them, when I see others not living up to them? Moses had no right to touch those laws, yet he broke them. Gang, I can bet each one of us have spirtually slammed down the laws of the Lord this week. I do not know why, or what drove you to that place, but experience what it si to be given God's grace. God gave Moses two more tablets, what else has He given you? Are you sharing it with people? Do you remember to give thanks?

"And Jehovah passed by before him and proclaimed, Jehovah! Jehovah God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth," Exodus 34:6.

Jehovah is not a real word but was one a long time ago. The Jews, in reverence, would not pronouce the vowels, leaving the name somewhat of a mystery. It is a collection of letters which make up the identity the Jews knew God as. The four letters are YHWH. Some people say Yahweh instead Jehovah. Either way, this was the word "God" or "Self-existent One" for them. This is how they identified their Lord. Notice that God identifies Himself back in the same way. The verse above is beautiful. God identifies Himself to each of us and notice the first quality of God is mercy and grace. I love Jesus because He is powerful. I love the fact that He is Holy. Yet, the reason I run into His arms is because of mercy and grace. Anyone can try to be perfect, however, I suggest the way you display God's love is the way He displayed it to us, through grace and mercy.

The result of all this is Moses' face shined. We are called to be lights. Spend time with the Lord. Know Him by name. Fall in love with grace. The best thing any of my Bible College teachers taught me was in the last month. I totally misread a project and did something else entirely than that which I was supposed to do. This of course equals failure, which is bad. The story gets tedious, so ask me this Sunday, what happened. I will be happy to tell you. Until then, read your Bibles and spread the Gospel of grace.

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