Thursday, November 30, 2006

Exodus 40

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And the cloud covered the tabernacle of the congregation, and the glory of Jehovah filled the tabernacle.
(Exo 40:34)

The book of Exodus ends with a bang! The time had finally come; the day had finally arrived that the tabernacle would be set up. It was not just on any random day, it was on the first day of the first month of the year… The day we would normally refer to as “New Year’s Day”. This was the New Year’s Day to beat them all! On this day something phenomenal would happen. The glory of God was going to come down and take up residence in the Tabernacle… God was going to dwell among His people.

On a typical New Year’s Day, we begin to put into effect the “New Year’s Resolutions” we have made during the final days of December. Resolutions to eat less and exercise more. Resolutions to watch less TV and spend more time enjoying the outdoors. Resolutions to do just about anything under the sun that might improve the quality of someone’s life. This year was different for the children of Israel. It wasn’t a mere resolution; they experienced a Divine intervention that would forever alter the way they related to God. This year marked the beginning of a new era for them, an era where the presence of God abode in their midst.

I wish I could travel back in time to see it happen. It must have been a glorious celebration that the Jews took part in as God took up residence in the house they had built Him. More than ever before, they were going to be able to know that He was with them and that He was going before them.

We have something even better than a house for God to live in. If we look at John 1:14 we read this glorious phrase: “and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth”. That word DWELT is the Greek word for TABERNACLE… It literally means that Jesus came and tabernacled among us! God didn’t merely come and dwell in a building as in the days of old, He came this time and took on Himself the form of a man! So much greater than a cloud on the tabernacle, God Himself was now walking the land of Israel!

If you can believe it, it gets even better. After Jesus fulfilled His mission by dying on the cross, rising again three days later, and ascending into heaven, He moved His tabernacle to an even more intimate place. Now the God of the universe has taken up residence in the hearts of all those who have called upon His name! Like that incredible New Year when everything changed for the Jew, we have a new life in Christ at the moment of salvation. No resolution, a divine intervention… God Himself (Father, Spirit, and Son) living in your heart and guiding and directing your life! My prayer for you is that the parallel wouldn’t end there. I hope and pray that each one of your lives would be filled with the glory of the Lord for all to see, just like the tabernacle of old. Let that glory work in and through your life, and be a light for Jesus to the world around you!!!

Exodus 39 - Audio Version

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Exodus 39

And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made woven garments for ministering in the sanctuary. And they made the holy garments for Aaron, even as Jehovah commanded Moses.
(Exo 39:1)

This chapter closes out the making of the tabernacle and all that went with it. It focuses mainly upon the construction of the sweet outfits Aaron and his sons, the priesthood, were to wear in their service to the Lord. These fancy duds weren’t designed strictly for the style factor (though I am sure they looked more amazing than anything I own) there was symbolic purpose in every detail.

Look for instance with me at the 12 stones engraved with the names of the tribes of Israel. These weren’t rhinestones positioned to make the priests look like Jewish cowboys; these stones had a serious purpose. They represented the most important role that the priests played! As priests, they were mediators between God and man, a mere foreshadowing of the great high priest Jesus Christ, who we know as the PERFECT MEDIATOR. Part of this role of mediator for the priests was representing the people to God. They were to go to the Lord on behalf of the people in sacrifice and in prayer! They were to be intercessors, lifting up the needs of the entire nation of Israel to the Lord, asking for His strength to sustain them. These stones, positioned on the shoulders of the priest symbolized the priests carrying the people’s needs before the Lord.

When I carry heavy things, I love to sling them over my shoulder, letting the weight rest on my shoulders and my back. To me it is so much easier than carrying things out in front of you. Saturday Hector, Kyle, Noel and I were doing some yard work for a family at the church, and I was carrying bags of heavy wet leaves to the curb. The women there were laughing at me, calling me Santa Claus.

Maybe I’m weird, but to me the shoulders are the place to bear heavy burdens! Think about the common phrase, “the weight of the world on his shoulders” a reference to the image of Atlas, bearing the globe over His head, resting on his shoulder blades. The picture is vivid in my mind, and anytime I see someone with something on their shoulders I assume it is heavy. And so, we have the stones engraved with the names of the tribes of Israel. These stones were worn on the shoulders of the priest, on the place of burden… The priests symbolically and literally were bearing the burdens of the people to the Lord.

As believers in Christ, we are called a “kingdom of priests”. As followers of Jesus, the great high priest, we are all called to be intercessors. We are to bear the needs of our brothers and sisters to the Lord, to lift those burdens off of them and carry them to Him in prayer! Are you praying for your brothers and sisters? Are you bearing their burdens to the Lord, are you lifting up their needs and fulfilling your priestly duty? It is a great privilege that the Lord has given us, but with it comes great responsibility… There are no spectators in God’s kingdom… we are all called to serve! So, today do the best thing you could ever do for your brothers and sisters in the youth group at Harvest Christian Fellowship… set aside a few minutes to be like the priests of old, and bring there needs before our almighty God!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


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Exodus 38


The work on the tabernacle continues, and another master craftsman surfaces. Meet Aholiab… though the things he does are different, he is just as gifted as Bezaleel. Together, these guys accomplish an INCREDIBLE amount of work…

Just look at the amount of gold and silver these guys used while constructing the Tabernacle! We are not exactly sure what a shekel measures to, but the most modest guesses put it at 82 ¼ lbs. That means that they used AT THE VERY LEAST over 2400 lbs of gold, and 8200 lbs of silver! The silver in the temple was half the weight of an ELEPHANT!

How do we know how much went into the Tabernacle? The numbers guy, Ithimar! His job was to count up everything that was used!

I love the way all of this works… What would be an impossible task if tried alone becomes a glorious example of the family of God accomplishing great things by the power of God. As the family of God, with all of our various talents, strengths, and weaknesses, we have the blessed opportunity of being able to work together as ONE BODY filled with the strength of the Lord! All of the parts of the body are needed, and each person needs to be committed to playing their part. God has gifted us all uniquely, and when we can come together by the power of God, in the unity we have in Christ, we become an unparalleled force for the kingdom of God. The world knows nothing like this… If we are all playing our roles, we truly get to experience what it is to be the BODY of Christ. His hands, His feet, His mouth, etc…

Imagine if Aholiab had said, “I’m tired of working with fabrics, I want a REAL job like Moses”. In frustration over his job, and envy for Moses position, he tries to take over. Moses on the other hand says, “I don’t need any of you, I’m gonna do this all by myself!” And then you have Bezaleel who has made it his responsibility to recount everything Ithimar has already counted… If this were the case, the Tabernacle would have probably never been built, and even if it was built, it would have looked nothing like the plans God had given to Moses on the mountain.

Now transfer that idea over to us, the church, the BODY OF CHRIST. How often are we so busy envying someone’s position, or trying to play somebody’s part, that we totally miss what God has called us to do? Listen to what Paul said in 1 Corinthians:

For as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ. For also by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether bond or free, even all were made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? If all the body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If all hearing, where would be the smelling? But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body as it has pleased Him. And if they were all one member, where would be the body? But now indeed many are the members, yet only one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you; nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. But much rather the members of the body seeming to be weaker are necessary. And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we put more abundant honor around them. And our unpresentable members have more abundant propriety. For our presentable members have no need, but God tempered the body together, giving more abundant honor to the member having need; that there not be division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is glorified, all the members rejoice with it. And you are the body of Christ, and members in part.
(1Co 12:12-27)

THE BODY… If we could just do what God has called us to do as individuals empowered by His Spirit, the things we could accomplish together would be incredible! Like Israel and the Tabernacle, all it takes is a few believer’s committed to being who God has called them to be… nothing more, nothing less. LET’S BE THE BODY!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Exodus 37 - Audio

To listen to the audio version of this devo, click here

Exodus 37

In Exodus 37, we see Bezaleel building all of the things in the tabernacle made of wood, metal and stone. He is doing incredible things, things that you and I have no clue how to do. When was the last time you built things out of shittim wood and overlaid them in pure gold. That was just the start though, this guy made a pure gold statue of two cherubim to cover the altar, and he beat it out of one solid piece of gold! He made a super ornate candlestick that looked like 6 almond blossoms, complete with stems, knobs and blossoms. To top it all of, the guy even made the incense and the oil, the work of a perfume maker.

When I read what this guy did, and try to picture him doing it all alone, then try to picture myself doing it, I come to one conclusion: Bezaleel was born for this job! We already read that He was given wisdom from the lord to do these things (it appears he had this wisdom before the job came) and that the Holy Spirit stirred his heart to do the work. In my opinion, Bezaleel is the perfect example of the Lord creating people for a specific purpose. This concept is also known as the “specific will of God”.

God has a general will and a specific will. His “general will” is just that, general. It is His will that we should all be saved, It is His will that we should all be sanctified, it is His will that we give thanks in all things, and so the list goes on and on. The general will of God for our lives is laid out crystal clear for us in the Word of God. It is where we all must begin if we want to know God’s specific will for our lives. Bezaleel would never have been able to fulfill this divine purpose for his life if he had not first been living according to God’s general will. I like to look it this way: we have to be on the right path before we can be stepping in the footprints God has setup for us to walk in.

I believe that God has a very specific will for each one of our lives, something we were tailor made to do. Whatever this thing is, whether it be big or small in our eyes, In God’s economy it is the greatest thing we can ever do! There is no greater accomplishment in this life than fulfilling the purpose you were created for. Every step in our journey is ordered by the Lord. The question is simple, will we take those steps, or will we try and forge our own path?

This journey began the day we got saved, and it won’t end until the day we meet Jesus face to face. Each one of our journeys will be the same in the sense that they will be walked out on the straight and narrow. Each journey will be different in that none of us have identical missions from the Lord. My question to you is simple: Are you on the right path? If not, then you cannot possibly expect to know God’s will in ANY situation you face. If you are on the right path, I ask you this: Are you listening to the Lord as He guides you each step of the way? Don’t miss out on the great works that God has planned for you… Be like Bezaleel, an example of a person doing exactly what God made them for!

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
(Eph 2:10)

Monday, November 27, 2006

Exodus 36

And they spoke unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the LORD commanded to make. And Moses gave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, Let neither man nor woman make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary. So the people were restrained from bringing. For the stuff they had was sufficient for all the work to make it, and too much.
(Exo 36:5-7)

Think about this for a moment… If you were in the shoes of the workmen, what would you have done? You arrive on the scene to do the work, and already there is more than enough material, and more is coming in. You could easily take this “extra” for yourself, and see it as a little payment for your services. Or, you could let the leaders know what was going on and do what was best for the CONGREGATION. This was a true test for these guys, a test of who they were really living for.

These tests show up in our lives in many different ways, but the end result is always the same. We will either discover that our motives are pure and we really are serving the Lord; or we find out that it is self that we are really worshipping after all. These guys were legit, and their main concern was not there own well being, but the accomplishing of God’s work and will.

What is your main concern today? Is it your own well being, or is it the will and work of the Lord? As you go through your day today, think about what you would have done if you were in the shoes of the workmen… and ask the lord to give you a heart of faith that puts Him and His work FIRST.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Exodus 35

And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom His spirit made willing. They brought Jehovah's offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all His service, and for the holy garments.
(Exo 35:21)

You may remember when this commandment was first made a few chapters back… God asked that all would give WILLINGLY, and we took a quick look at the kind of giver the Lord desires. This chapter gives a deeper look into how our “giving” (time, resources, and talents) is used by God.

You may have heard it said before, “Without God we can’t… without us He won’t”. This saying is so true, and gives us some insight into the chapter here. The context is simple, the Tabernacle construction is beginning according to the plan God provided, and the first step is collecting the necessary pieces. Now, if God wanted to He could have just dropped the pieces out of the sky… or better yet, He could have dropped the entire Tabernacle pre-assembled. He is God, and He can work that way… But He doesn’t. Why is it that God chooses to use us to do His work? Why does He use our resources, our supplies, and our talents, when His are infinitely greater?

I believe the answer is simple. God is all about relationship. It is by HIS CHOICE that His body here on earth is made up of people like you and me. He could have used all kinds of other representation to the world around, but he chose us. He could have sent angels to shout the gospel from the skies. He could have talked through a sort of “universal loudspeaker” to every one at once, at set times. He could have sent back the great prophets of old to preach the message. He could go on tour and campaign for some sort of political office, using the platform to spread His doctrine. He chose none of these methods. Because His MISSION was all about restoring us to a right relationship with Him, His METHOD also revolves around that same relationship.

Look again at the verses, those members of the congregation that got involved in PROJECT TABERNACLE where involved because of the work of God’s Spirit in their hearts. We all have the opportunity to be involved in the work of building the kingdom of God. All of Israel was able to play a part, and no one who got involved was unimportant… every last piece and detail counted! The only ones left out where those who didn’t respond to the moving of God’s Spirit, and we don’t even know that anyone didn’t respond. It is possible that EVERY PERSON in Israel played a part… They all were definitely given the choice!

My question for you today is simple: What is God stirring up in your heart? How is He prompting you to get involved in building His kingdom? Whether big or small, I urge you not to miss out on how he wants to use you, for EVERY PART COUNTS! Respond to the Spirit’s work in your heart… and do it as an offering to the Lord! It is a privilege you DON’T want to miss!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Exodus 34 - Covenant Renewed

"And Jehovah said to Moses, Cut out two tablets of stone like the first. And I will write upon the tablets the words that were in the first tablets which you broke" (Exodus 34:1).

Moses was the man. He was the man all the people of Israel would go to when they were in trouble. He, himself, was experiencing what it was to be in the presence of God. He had just received the Holy Laws of God. He was walking down to the people. He sees that the people had built this golden calf. SO he slams down the tablets. Of all the people in the world right now I understand what it is to slam down something of great value (needless to say, my laptop is not around anymore). Consider slamming down the laws of God.
First thing to being a light for the Lord is to be in His presence. Moses was with the Lord. He was spending time with Him. He was taking in first hand what it is to feel grace. I cannot stress to you enough how sweet grace is. I believe the full understanding of grace will change anyone's life. As we look at all the laws remember, the priests were clad in linen that it might be understood that it was not their work that granted them atonement. What am I clad in? Am I like Moses? Do I slam down the laws of the Lord, as though I have fulfilled them, when I see others not living up to them? Moses had no right to touch those laws, yet he broke them. Gang, I can bet each one of us have spirtually slammed down the laws of the Lord this week. I do not know why, or what drove you to that place, but experience what it si to be given God's grace. God gave Moses two more tablets, what else has He given you? Are you sharing it with people? Do you remember to give thanks?

"And Jehovah passed by before him and proclaimed, Jehovah! Jehovah God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth," Exodus 34:6.

Jehovah is not a real word but was one a long time ago. The Jews, in reverence, would not pronouce the vowels, leaving the name somewhat of a mystery. It is a collection of letters which make up the identity the Jews knew God as. The four letters are YHWH. Some people say Yahweh instead Jehovah. Either way, this was the word "God" or "Self-existent One" for them. This is how they identified their Lord. Notice that God identifies Himself back in the same way. The verse above is beautiful. God identifies Himself to each of us and notice the first quality of God is mercy and grace. I love Jesus because He is powerful. I love the fact that He is Holy. Yet, the reason I run into His arms is because of mercy and grace. Anyone can try to be perfect, however, I suggest the way you display God's love is the way He displayed it to us, through grace and mercy.

The result of all this is Moses' face shined. We are called to be lights. Spend time with the Lord. Know Him by name. Fall in love with grace. The best thing any of my Bible College teachers taught me was in the last month. I totally misread a project and did something else entirely than that which I was supposed to do. This of course equals failure, which is bad. The story gets tedious, so ask me this Sunday, what happened. I will be happy to tell you. Until then, read your Bibles and spread the Gospel of grace.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Exodus 33

Moses was truly a priveledged man. He was given an opportunity to speak to the Lord as a friend speaks to a friend. I cannot wait until that day! Later, Moses would be given a chance to look at the back of God's glory. Moses was not permitted to look upon the Lord's face, as His glory was too holy and great to be seen. Still, what seems to stand out is the promises of God. Exodus 33:14 says, "And He said, My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest."

Rest is an interesting word. It does not necessarily mean lazy. It does not have to mean, not working. It simply implies that you are at peace or a state of leaning on something. Read Hebrews 4:8-10. If you study rest in the Bible you quickly notice it becomes a big thing. First off, one of the commandments is to Rest, or keep a Sabbath. Secondly, everytime the Israelites would give an offering we are told it would become a "scent of rest." Lastly, we are commanded to rest in Hebrews. We are to look to be in God's rest.

I do not know ab0out you but at times I am utterly tired of this world. I am sick of the battling day in and day out. I want to fall apart sometimes. Being a Christian, we do not have that option. We cannot collapse in our battles. We cannot give up. To be actively following Christ is to wage on the good fight. Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-12. What is our relief?

Our relief comes in Christ. If we fight for Him, then we also rest in Him. I love the promise God gives us and Israel here in Exodus. He will give us rest. It will be appointed by Him. In fact, we rest in Him for everything! We are not to sweat and do things in our own strength, but to rest. If you feel overwhelmed right now about something, pray to God. Ask for His rest. We may not talk to God as a friend to a friend, or we may not look upon the back of His glory, but if we truly believe in Him do we not believe He will grant us the rest He promised? Ask Jesus to be your rest for the day.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Exodus 32

"And Jehovah repented as to the evil which He spoke of doing to His people" (Exodus 32:14).

Interesting verse. Here we have the Lord, who for some reason loves us very much. Now I cannot explain why the Lord loves us very much. I know I have done nothing to earn the love of the Lord. I do know, however, that His nature is one to love, therefore being a God who loves it seems His outlet for love is inturn poured out on us. This verse seems to contradict a lot of who we proclaim God is. Let us look at it in detail.

First, whenever you find a verse which seems to hold a contradiction, look at hte context. The context in this is in relation to the golden calf. We can back out even farther and see more context. In Genesis 3 the Lord promises a Messiah would be given. In Genesis we see numeorus promises given to Abraham. We know Abraham would bare more children than the stars! I do not think this had been accoplished yet. Finally, we know that from Abraham would come the blessed Messiah. Therefore we know God had no intension on wiping out Israel.

Let us now look at future context. We know Moses was overburdened by the people of Israel. We know he often calls out to the Lord concerning how much they whine and complain. Finally, we know that eventually he lost it and hit the rock. Therefore we know that there is this battle happening in Moses' heart.

What was God doing verses 11-14. God was showing Moses where his own heart lies. How often I come to a place where I think I could resolve the issue. How often I wish I was only given the chance to do something a different way. How often when given that chance, I find out why the leadership or previous authority did that thing the way they did. Maybe there was this battle happening in Moses' heart. He thought it needed to be done differantly, but when given the chance, Moses said "relent from this harm to your people."

I know God never harmed His people. He did punish them. Read through all the prophets and see how many chances God gave them to turn from evil. God was more than patient. In the end, due to sin, God allows them to fall captive to Babylon. Since that captivitiy, Israel, to this day, has yet to return to worshipping idols. Apparently God knew what He ws doing, though He did not want to put them through that.

Literally in Hebrew, this verse reads, "Jehovah sighed above the bad who He spoke of doing to His people." The word sigh could also mean to pity. We serve a loving God who always is taking pity on us, though sometimes He puts us through trials for our greater good. Remember, God is love, and to this there is no contradiction.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Exodus 31

Consider the intricacy of everything that in the tabernacle. Everything has a measurement. Everything has a certain shape. Imagine the responsibility of being the person who will make everything the Lord has been talking about up until this point. This was the job of Bezaleel.

"Behold, I, I have called by name Bezaleel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all workmanship," (Exodus 31:2-3).

Both Bezaleel and Aholiab had the great responsibility of making everything in the temple. They were filled with the Spirit of God to perform such a feat. What amazes me is how these two bore such a great responsibility and are generally unknown. We never hear about them later on, helping out in the decision making. We do not here about them leading the people or performing any priestly duties. These two had one simple job, build the tabernacle. For this they were filled with the Holy Spirit and the Wisdom of God.

This makes me think of people who go unseen at any church. These people are the type of people who are filled with the Holy Spirit. They are following God with all of their heart that they might perform the one duty God has appointed for them and that they might perform it well. Of course, Bezaleel and Aholiab's responsibility was not small, yet what is in the kingdom of heaven? I think of the widow who gave the two mites in Luke 21. How do we acknowledge if we are doing something great or not?

Be like Bezaleel and Aholiab. If you are called to wash dishes this week, be filled with the Spirit and wash dishes. If you are called to take care of siblings, then do this with all your heart. I realize you may not be noticed for it, but this is true service unto the Lord. When you think about it, Bezaleel and Aholiab had one of the greatest responsibilities in history, yet we hardly acknowledge them. Maybe you do too, you just do not know it.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Exodus 30

We continue our journey through th preparation of the priests. In this chapter we find many different items that the Lord has specifically appointed. Let us take a look at the bronze lavar.
The bronze lavar was shaped much like a bird bath. The lavar differed however, in that there also was a lower portion of the lavar that held an addtional ring of water at foot level (the base v. 18). I find a couple things interesting about the manner in which they were to wash.
1. It stood between the tabernacle of meeting (to place of fellowship with God) and the altar (the place of atonement). Consider our duty before the Lord. Have you ever gone to the place of fellowship with God without being clean? Read 1 Corinthians 11:27. This verse is a challenge to me and a reminder that though we be covered by grace, our God is still holy and must be regarded as such. When I walk to the place of atonement I must come in humility. Otherwise, you are coming to God in arrogance because you know that grace abounds.
2. The lavar was made out of bronze. This is more or less a modest metal. It is certainly more glorified than wood, however, it is not that special. The lavar boasts no jewels or fancy decor. I feel this is pointing to the humility by which we are to wash ourselves in. We are not washed to be made beautiful, but we are washed to be made clean. Wash yourself in modesty before coming before the Lord, for He is God.
3. Lastly we are only to wash our hands and feet. Read John 13:7-11. Jesus washes the disciples feet. He only washed their feet and they were completely clean. He was adorned in humility, only a towel. He tells us that, "If I do not wash you, you have no part in Me." Jesus once again proves to be the perfect picture of the bronze lavar. Interesting that as we approach God's glory, His place of meeting, we are washed by Christ. Then, as we enter the tabernacle, we are awed by Christ by all of His glory. Here we are in earth being washed anew. When we enter heaven we will see why we are being washed, that we might worship Him in purity. Truly there is no work for the believer, but only grace.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Exodus 29

Thereis a lot in this chapter! Unfortunately, we cannot get into what every offering mans quite yet. We are going to save that for the Book of Leviticus. I think it is important to state that as we head toward Leviticus you are leaerning more and more about Levites. Levites were the tribe of Israel whom made up the priesthood. Therefore when we enter the Book of Leviticus we will be learning about the preisthood. In this chapter we are presented with the consecration of the Priests.
"You shall make an atonement for the altar seven days, and sanctify it. And it shall be a most holy altar. Whatever touches the altar shall be holy" (Exodus 29:37).

The Bible is writtten in three languages. The first language is Hebrew, which makes up most of the Old Testament. The second language is Arabic, for instance Daniel 2-6 are written in Arabic. Finally, the entire New Testament is written in Greek. Therefore, when we translate a word from the Old Testament and a word from the New Testament, and come up with the same word, we have to understand that this one translated word is coming from two different languages.
What is atonement? Atonement has two meanings. It has its Hebrew meaning and its Greek meaning. To understand why they would do the offerings we must understand atonement. Old testament atonement means "To cover." The blood (We will learn more about what blood represents later) would cover our sins. This sounds great. However as we further investigate we learn that the words entire meaning is "The covering of the eyes." Whose eyes? God's eyes. His eyes were covered from the sight of the people's.
Atonement in the New Testament means something else entirely! Romans 5:11 says, "And not only so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement." This word atonement does not mean that the eyes of the Lord are covered. This word mean that our sins are gone! Atonement has taken place. We are now presented as holy (Remember holiness is the place where we are set apart, to be used of God).
We understand now how the law is beautiful int hat it gives us excellent pictures of what is to come. However, the law is sad in that it always falls short of the true salvation given through Christ. Gang, rest assured that you live in an age where atonement is sweet. Your sins are not just covered, but completely wiped away. We owe it all to that one true offering of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Exodus 28

The Ephod.
Just as everything in the tabernacle represented something in God's heavenly kingdom, so did the endornment of the priests. The Ephod was a garment that hung over the linen robes and underneath the breastplate. It coverered the chest and the back, but had no sleeves. It was completely made out of fine woven linen. Linen is a very cool material. This represented that it was not the priest doing the work. There was no sweat involved. Think of what a priests job is. They are to be a bridge between God and the people. Yet, in there service to God it is clear that they have done no work for Salvation! This is how we are to represent Christ. We do not do good works for Salvation, we do good works to point people to Jesus.
There are two stones, each bearing the names of Israel. These stones were placed on the shoulders of the priest. Imagine if we walked around with stones on our shoulders representing our responsibility to be light to the world. I suppose we would change a lot! There is nothing harder than being scrutinized for being a Christian. I use to have a license plate that said God Sees. When I would accidently pull in front of someone, or do something dumb in my car, I would feel really bad. Here the priests wore the weight of God's people on both shoulders.
Remember who we are. We do not have to be superheroes. We do have to be completely reliant on Jesus. Read 1 Samuel 2:18. The boy was young yet he wore a linen ephod. No one asking little Samuel to go preach to crowds and save the world. Yet, he was a servant of God with the weight of Israel upon both shoulders. What did he do? He served the Lord with an open heart, no sweat, reliant upon Him. You guys are young, but do not think you bear less of a burden than anybody else. You too wear the same linen ephod. Your mission is to be completely reliant on Jesus and allow Him to work through you that you might serve His people.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Exodus 27

And thou shalt make an altar of shittim wood, five cubits long, and five cubits broad; the altar shall be foursquare: and the height thereof shall be three cubits.
(Exo 27:1)

It is in this chapter that the instructions are given for the building of the altar. The altar is the piece of the tabernacle that saw the most action, and it is central to the way that God commanded the Jews to worship Him. Without it, there could be no true worship, no coming into the presence of God. It was at the altar that the issue of sin was addressed. Sin is the biggest issue that we have to deal with… as humans it is the reason why men are born separated from God, having no fellowship with Him.

The altar was situated in the outer courts of the tabernacle, outside of the place where God’s presence dwelt. This symbolized the fact that men and women must first be cleansed before they can have fellowship with God. There is much more we could talk about, as far as the types of sacrifices that were made there, but we will discuss that in depth when we study Leviticus. It is sufficient for our purposes to say this: these sacrifices were not perfect, they could only “cover” sin; and when new sin was committed, a new sacrifice had to be made. These sacrifices really became a perpetual reminder to the Israelites that they were sinners!

Fast forward to Jesus… to His death on the cross, and His ressurection. We are told in the book of Hebrews that when He had died and rose again, He ascended into Heaven and poured His blood on the heavenly altar; CLEANSING (not just covering) sin once and for all. So today, when we go into the presence of the Lord, we should begin at the altar. We should begin at the place where Christ laid down His life so we could live. The place where we see our sins… past, present, and future, washed away by Jesus blood. If it weren’t for the altar, we could never come into God’s presence… But now, because of Jesus perfect sacrifice, we can LIVE in God’s presence! Think about that today while you are going about your normal Saturday routine… YOU LIVE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Exodus 26

And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was showed thee in the mount.
(Exo 26:30)

Curtains, coverings, boards, bars, pillars, hooks and veils… The instructions contained in these chapters are to the SMALLEST DETAIL. All was to be done according to the pattern that the Lord showed to Moses on the mount. And what was that pattern? It was the true tabernacle, (or temple) that exists in the heavenly realm. The details are here because God wanted an accurate representation of heaven on earth.

I don’t think it would be shocking to any of you to hear that I am not a details kind of guy; I am naturally more of a “big picture” guy. Sometimes I get these huge ideas, and I get all excited about them, but I never really work out the little details. Sometimes those “little details” cause BIG PROBLEMS. I remember a perfect example of how this happened in my everyday life… A brisk fall day it was, the wind was blowing the leaves to and fro in the street, and traffic seemed to be doing the same thing… people buzzing this way and that, honking, yelling, and giving me dirty looks. Why were they doing this? I had run out of gas on Route 7 by Tysons Corner during rush hour… bad idea. How this happened is quite simple. I was in the work delivery van, (Frank Parsons Paper Company) finishing up a very large delivery run. I wasn’t typically the delivery boy… at this point I was the assistant manager of our express division. Because of this, whenever I ran deliveries, I would turn them into sales calls. I’d look around the shop I was delivering, asking them where else they were getting supplies, seeing if there was anything we could do to et more of their business etc… In short, I was always thinking about the BIG picture (how can we better serve these clients/how can I make them aware of all we offer) and often not paying particularly close attention to the little details. Because of this I failed to notice the little fuel light that was on, and the gauge that had dropped dangerously below zero. Little detail, big problem… I got the van off the road and had to walk about ½ a mile to a gas station, buy a small gas can, and fill it with gas. Then I had to tell my boss. Not my favorite memory!!!

I say all of that to drive home one important point: God cares about the details! You might think, “Who cares what type of fabric and wood they used, and how big the pieces were… as long as God gets his house things are okay, right?” WRONG! I have often heard people excuse poor decisions in they make, or spiritual laziness by saying, “details, details, as long as I love Jesus it’s OK right?” This is not the way the Lord wants us to live! Just as the tabernacle was a representation of the kingdom of heaven here on earth, so we are representatives of Christ here on earth! The Lord wants an accurate representation, not a sloppy substitute! It’s in the details, the details of daily living… It’s just a small lie, it’s only little compromise, and it’s nothing compared to what the OTHER people are doing… Little details can equal big problems. Jesus is our example, He is our pattern, and we should seek to become as much like Him as we possible can… we do this by simply listening to the Spirit, and doing what He says! It is His power that changes us… all He wants is for us to have a heart willing to obey… even in the little details.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Exodus 25

And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering.
(Exo 25:1-2)

The Tabernacle… Modeled after heaven, and based on a plan given to Moses by God on the mountain. The Tabernacle was an INCREDIBLE thing. It gave the Israelites a place to sacrifice, a place to worship, and a place for the Lord to dwell. We will learn later that it was situated at the CENTER of the Israelite camp… a special position designed to symbolize the CENTRAL position the Lord is to have in the lives of His children.

Here they were, gearing up to build the tabernacle, and look at how they got the materials. It wasn’t a tax or a toll, not a set amount or even a “suggested donation”. It was a free will offering. We can learn some valuable lessons from this about giving. I don’t mean just about giving MONEY, I mean giving time, and other resources as well. So lets look at the specific things we can learn from how the Israelites gave for the building of the tabernacle.

1. They were made aware of the need. Moses talked to the children of Israel about the need to build a house for the LORD. This is where it begins… the process of giving starts when we become aware of a need. For the children of Israel in this situation, the need was building the tabernacle, and they found out about it from Moses. In our case the need might be a brother or sister in Christ that is struggling and needs a friend, or a servant of God who needs a hot meal and a place to stay. The various possibilities are endless, but the core problem remains the same… There are people all around us with needs, the question is how are we responding to them?

2. The second thing to notice is this:It is unto the Lord. When we have the resources and take that opportunity to give, it is seen as something we do “unto the Lord”, and not simply a “good deed” to our fellow men. When we are made aware of a need, and feel called to meet it with the resources God has given us, we are giving to the Lord. Our giving up of our time, money, etc. is a way for us to really WORSHIP the Lord.

3. Lastly we notice this: A willing heart. God doesn’t want just anyone to do the job of meeting the need, He only wants those who can do so with a willing and cheerful heart. When we do something because we feel like we HAVE to, there is no real giving at all. The Lord wants to see people EXCITED about serving and worshiping Him by serving the others around them, meeting their needs. When we realize that our giving is way of praising and worshiping God, then we should be able to do so happily.

The Children of Israel had a great many reasons to give joyfully to the Lord… He had radically saved them, setting them free from the bondage of Egypt! The same is true of us. The Lord has done so much for us… it is the least we can do to use the resources He has given us to meet the needs of those around us. If we realize all God has done for us, then our attitude will be one of Thanksgiving and gratefulness. Give unto the Lord today with a cheerful heart by serving your brothers and sisters willingly!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Exodus 24

And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua: and Moses went up into the mount of God.
(Exo 24:13)

I love this verse! Moses rises up, and immediately his servant Joshua does the same. The word “servant or “minister” here literally means one who waits upon, one who makes himself available to do the most menial tasks.

So here was Joshua, the one who would one day replace Moses as the Leader of the Israelites. 2 things we should notice here about Joshua:

Before Joshua was ever a leader, he was a follower. Now, I don’t mean that he followed just anyone… He followed his MASTER. Wherever Moses went, Joshua was right behind him… watching him, learning from him, available to him. We should learn from Joshua. Before we can ever be leaders in our Christian Faith, we first must learn to follow Jesus. To watch Him, Learn from Him, be available to Him. If jesus goes somewhere, we should go with Him… If Jesus loves someone, we should love them… We should follow the glorious example of Jesus and learn all we can from Him. As believer’s we should only be seeking to lead people to Jesus Christ, saying with Paul “follow me as I follow Christ”. If we are out doing our own thing, making our own trail, then we can’t expect to lead ANYONE to Jesus.
Before Joshua was a leader he was a servant. Jesus said “if you want to be great in God’s kingdom, learn to be the servant of all”. By being willing to serve Moses in even the most menial of tasks, Joshua was preparing for a life of sacrificial service to the Lord and His people. The life that God can use the most is the one that is most completely given to servanthood. Jesus was the servant of all, and so we should follow his example. As Christians we should never see a task as “beneath us”, acting as if we are too good to do something. We should be willing to do ANYTHING God calls us to do, simply because He will never ask us to do something He wouldn’t do. As we lead we should do the same… Never ask anyone to do anything you wouldn’t be willing to do yourself.

Like Joshua, let’s be ready to rise up and follow our master Jesus Christ wherever He might go… making ourselves available to Him, and leading others with us along the way!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Exodus 23

Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him. But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.
(Exo 23:20-22)

This is not just any Angel, this is the angel of the Lord, a pre-incarnate (before he came in the flesh) appearance of Jesus. This was God Himself going before the people, just like He goes before us. This promise here is amazing… God himself will be an enemy to those who make themselves our enemies, and those who oppose us will be opposed by God; as long as we are following Him.

It is 100% true that when we follow Jesus we often open ourselves up to attack from this world. To be a friend of God is to make yourself an enemy of this world. That can be a frightening thing; little old me versus the big, nasty, man-eating, Fire-breathing world. It has the potential to make me run and hide, to make me want to break off my friendship with God to form a truce with the world. But… But… But… God promises us His protection! That changes everything, now it isn’t us vs. the world; it is the miserable little world vs. the God of the universe, a true no-lose situation for us!

I can remember it like it was yesterday… I was about 12 years old, 4 foot something, skinny, and very afraid. I was surrounded by “bad” kids, the kind of kids I picture belonging in juvenile hall, and they were really letting me have it. It started with name calling, and then it progressed to pushing and shoving. Before I knew it they had stolen my hat. It wasn’t the coolest hat ever, but it meant a lot to me. It was this cool plaid material, and had a picture of Mickey Mouse on it… my parents had bought it for me as a gift when we were on vacation. I had a red and green one, Trevor’s was blue and tan. These kid’s had taken it, and when I tried to get it back they shoved me on the ground. They started to make fun of it, and to make fun of me… I didn’t know what to do. My face was getting hot and turning red, and could almost taste the salty tears that were starting to spill down my cheeks. “I can’t let them see me cry” I thought, “that is like giving them a nuclear warhead to destroy me with”. They started shoving the hat in the gross trash can at the baseball field; a trash can full of old chili dogs and nachos. I knew that I was done for…

Then it happened. Robbie Macleod showed up. He was my best friend, and his 6’0” stature offset my 4’0” frame quite nicely. Instantly the whole scene changed. They were scrambling, totally freaking out, all without Robby saying a word! They apologized, gave back the hat, and ran for their lives. At that moment, I felt like I had won a war, I kept waiting for “We are the Champions” to start playing in the background. I was so glad that Robbie Macleod was on MY SIDE!

That is what it’s like with the Lord gang. We may feel like I did on that day, bullied and harassed… FEAR NOT, the Lord is with you! The world may be against us, but as the Bible says, “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world”.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Exodus 22

Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry; And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.
(Exo 22:21-24)

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
(Jam 1:27)

Here in this section of God’s “JUDGMENTS” these verses really jumped out to me, and made me think of the passage in James. They give us a little glimpse into the heart of God. Strangers, Orphans, Widows… these are all people with a LOT of needs, and NOTHING to give. These are not “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” kind of people. These are not people you would normally seek out; these are not the people we would normally desire as friends. They are outcasts, broken, desolate, and destitute. They come in all shapes and sizes, all colors and types… These are the “sick” that Jesus said He came to heal… These are the broken He came to mend… These are the people that our God loves unconditionally. Spiritually, we are these people.

If we want to live like Jesus lived, and love like Jesus loved, then we need to be willing to reach out to the unlovable. We need to be willing to care for those who will never give anything in return… We need to be willing to give our lives away knowing that we will never be recompensed in this world. Whenever I start feeling good about myself, all it takes is seeing this side of Jesus and His love to knock me back down a few notches.

We may think we are pretty loving, but the fact is we naturally want to ignore these people. Even when we help them we are often wishing they would just go away. God doesn’t love them because it is His duty… He loves them because it is His nature. If we love these people because we have to, it should show us just how much change needs to take place before we are really like Jesus. Join me this week in praying for this kind of love… love that moves into action when it sees the broken people of our world… Love that is a true reflection of the Father’s heart.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Exodus 21

Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them.
(Exo 21:1)

And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
(Exo 21:23-25)

Over the next 3 chapters we have a series of JUDGMENTS that are set out for us by the Lord. We could literally translate this concept of a “judgment” to be God’s opinion and decision regarding the different choices we make, and the resulting consequences of these choices. They are not necessarily new “laws” added on to the 10 commandments; they are simply an explanation of how those laws affect our daily life.

According to Jesus, all of this information could be summed up in one simple sentence: “You should love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself”. This is the key to all of the law… if we truly love God, and really love everyone around us as much as we love ourselves, these things will come naturally! Well, not naturally, but SUPERNATURALLY!

Hector has already pointed out the way that the Law shows us the holiness of our God… As a result of showing us His holiness, it shows us our filthiness, our utter sinfulness. We CANNOT keep the law, not even for a single day! Especially not when we consider what Jesus had to say about God seeing our heart! The law was not about fixing people, or improving society, that is something the law cannot do… It is a mirror to show our dirt, a measuring tape to show how short we fall, and a straight edge to demonstrate just how crooked we are. That is why making things “illegal” will never really make them go away. The only cure for sin is the sinless life of Jesus being lived through us. Justice never changes; God is still seeing to it that justice will be served… For us that justice was served once and for all at the cross.

An Eye for an Eye… We all know the principle well. It shows that in God’s economy, the things we do MUST have consequences; the crimes we commit must result in punishment so that sinful man will be deterred from fulfilling his fleshly desires. Fear of judgment is a powerful motivator, but not powerful enough to transform a life. The only thing that will make our whole life change, from the inside out, is the Love of God shed abroad in our hearts, the Love given to us on the cross of Christ. Now it isn’t my eye for the eye I took… It is Jesus paying the price! May we all feel the great debt of love that we owe to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Exodus 20

Exodus 20

Obviously I cannot teach on every commandment in this amount of space. Therefore, I think it would be really cool if all of you did your own devotion for us to read. Just post it as a comment and write something about one of the commandments. If you want to repeat what a commandment someone else already did that is fine. Who knows, maybe by the end we will have a devotion for every commandment. I will start us off.

“Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.”

I am still focused on the topic of holiness. We are told here to take a day to the side and keep it holy, or set apart, or even, a day to be used of God. Obviously, every day we have we are to be open to what the Lord has in store. However, we are to have one day of rest. What does this day rest from? It rests from all of our business. It is a rest from routine. It is a rest of the things we have to think about here on earth, that we might dwell on the Lord. In fact, the word “rest” means to dwell. Does that mean we might actually have to work on the day of rest? Yes, work in the Lord and work for the Lord. Once again, it is a rest from the world that we might be set apart for God.

Interesting that Sunday has become a day of rest for the world. Satan is a great counterfeit. What it has really become is a day of self. It is my day to do what I want to do. I have worked all week, now I deserve one day. NO! The Sabbath is a day to rest from our business and it is a day that entirely belongs to the Lord. May we do what He wills and that only. It is our day to set apart and truly just dwell on Him.

Gang, I realize we have a free will. I would implore you, when you come to church on Sunday, realize that every moment of the Sabbath belongs to Him. You may think, “it would be nice to sleep in and just watch football, after all I am supposed to be resting.” This could not be further than what the Lord wants. Set apart Sunday in your heart. Ask the Lord what He wants you to do with it. See what the Lord has instore!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Exodus 19

“And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak to the sons of Israel” (Exodus 19:6).

Have you ever considered the word, “Holy?” What does it mean? Why must our God be holy? Why does holiness separate from the unholy?

As we dive into the “Law” portion of the Book of Exodus we are going to get a special look into holiness. We will see the Ten Commandments, the Priests, the Sacrifices, and the Tabernacle. We will find all these things to be pictures of what is yet to come. In all, we will learn one very powerful lesson, our God is holy.

Holy means “sacred.” It is the idea of something untouched, not defiled, perfectly set apart. It is a different level of standard. If the world holds one standard of morality, it would only make sense that heaven would hold a far greater standard. This is holy. This is hat we will be looking into. As we look at holiness we will learn that holiness must be pure to stay holy. If it comes into contact with something lesser, or unholy, it compromises its standard. Holiness preserves its name, and remains holy. Think of it this way. If you hang out with kids who smoke, but you never touch a cigarette in your life, you are still going to be labeled someone who smokes. You will compromise your standard of living because you live in constant contact with their standard of living. Therefore the only way to protect yourself, is to set yourself apart.

God is holy. He cannot compromise His nature of being holy by hanging out with us. Therefore, instead of compromising, He is going to give us the law. This is His standard, which we must meet before we enter His presence. Notice that in this chapter, if the Israelites stepped foot onto the mountain of the presence of God, they would die. Holiness, when infringed upon, must take drastic action to remain pure. God could not be defiled, so He must wipe out. As we study the law we will see a lot of this. I want you to understand that it is not that God is unmerciful, but instead because God is holy.

What does holiness then mean to us? Well, we are taught to say that holiness means to be set apart. This is true, but it is only the beginning. Holiness, for the believer, means to be used of God. It is when you enter that place that God in His holiness can pick you up as His tool, use you, and put you back down without ever having to compromise His perfect nature. If you are not being used of God each and every day I would suggest you examine your life. In our theme verse we see God setting apart Israel to be this Holy Nation, His own massive instrument to showing the rest of the world Himself.

Now, understand that the law is not the answer to everything, however, a picture of heavenly holiness. Obviously, we cannot keep every letter of the law from now on. Therefore God sent His Son! Was this a blow to His holiness? No, instead a great testament to it. Remember, Jesus kept every letter of the law and remained on the heavenly standard while here on earth! He remained holy! This is why the Lord sent the law. He wanted to show us holiness. He gave Israel time to show how many ways they can mess up the law. Then He sent the Fulfiller of the law. Imagine if the law never came. Why then would we follow Jesus? We would have never been given the chance to obey the law ourselves; therefore we would have never accepted the fact that we could not have gotten to heaven ourselves. We would not even know what holiness was. We would not even know that we fall so short of it and need a savior to make us holy so we can enter a holy standard. This is why we study the law.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Exodus 18

“You will surely wear away, both you and this people that is with you. For this thing is too heavy for you; you are not able to perform it alone” (Exodus 18:18)

There is something generally understood by the world. You do not go in alone. This is the reason super heroes are who they are. They are the ones that go in alone and save the day. They are not like the hundreds of police officers outside doing nothing. They are heroes.

Guess what. You are not a superhero. Neither was Moses. Life is going to bring some strange things. They are going to tear you down. They are going to pressure you. And because you want to do what is right you are going to endure them. My great exhortation to you is, do not do it alone. Do not wear yourself out doing what is right and eventually fall apart. Find someone who will encourage you in the Lord, and let them pray for you.

Moses was the leader of Israel. He was the master bridge between Israel and the Lord. However, there was something wrong with this picture. Moses would answer the children of Israel for all their problems, even the small ones! We know that Moses was never meant to be the bridge, but the law giver. The priests were meant to be the bridge. Here comes Jethro with great advice.

Jethro was a man who sought the Lord but did not know Him. He sought Him for all His years but could not be sure who God was. Then Moses comes into his life and tells of the wonders God has done. All of a sudden, it is made so clear. This is the Lord! This is the God, who conquered the Egyptian gods at their own game!

Moses, being a humble man, accepts Jethro’s council. Never be too proud to accept advice from a brother or sister in the Lord, despite their spiritual maturity. Jethro ends up giving the perfect advice, “You are not able to perform it alone.”

If anybody needs anything you can always come to Tommy and me. You can always go to your parents for anything. Do not hold it in if you cannot hold it in. Finally, if there is any sin in your life, let it out. The greatest thing you can do is talk about it and not allow it to ensnare you. God bless you.

Exodus 17

Exodus 17

“And it happened when Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed. And when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.”

Israel had just finished complaining about wanting something to eat. Now they were thirsty. What did Israel do? They complained! Moses went to the rock and struck it, just as the Lord commanded. The people were well full now, and ready for their first battle.

Moses calls on Joshua to be the commander of the battle. He calls out some men who had never had combat training before. They have gear, but not experience. Moses then proceeds to the top of the hill and watches from above with Aaron and Hur.

Ever wonder what life would be like if we did not have an all powerful God? Ever wonder what would happen to us in our daily lives? Israel was about to experience what it would be like.

Moses was to Israel the law giver, the deliverer, the judge, the leader, and the conveyer of anything that came from God. Therefore he was very much like the Lord to them, in that they were to be completely submissive to what he said. Here is Moses, watching Israel battle from above. As he lifted his rod toward heaven, Israel prospered. As he pulled it down to rest, Israel was defeated.

Praise the Lord! God is all powerful. I consider John 15:5 which tells us, “I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” Without Jesus we are like Israel with Moses’ rod down. We are so easily defeated. Philippians 4:13 tells us, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” With Jesus, we are winning the battle! There is no middle ground.

Where then does this leave us? This leaves thinking, “Why do I not run to Jesus for every trial?” Call on God. Run to Jesus. If you are going through something today, do not allow your pride to stop you from running into the arms of the Lord. Do not be afraid to have someone hold you accountable. Seek your parents, or someone who will point you to Jesus that you might be strengthened. Without Jesus, you will lose the battle. With Him, you can only come out the victor. He is more than powerful enough to take care of us. He is more than willing.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Exodus 16

Exodus 16

“And the whole congregation of the sons of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness.”

As we move throughout the book of Exodus and eventually into Numbers (Which continues the journey), we will see more and more complaining. The Bible gives us quite a challenge when it says, “Do everything without complaining and arguing, that you might become, blameless and pure, children of God.” Let us look at why we are not to complain.

When you complain you show a lack of faith. Complaining is always given to a higher authority. It is given that you might receive something. When you complain against God you are saying hat you do not trust Him. When you complain against your parents you are doing the opposite of honoring them.

Complaining shows a lack of contentment. We are to be content in the Lord. He is our provider. Have you ever seen a toddler cry for something their parents were providing? There the parent is putting the pepperoni pizza in the oven, or preparing the milk, and the child keeps on whining. I feel this is too often us with the Lord. He is preparing something great for us, but we are too fixed on the now to even care. Be content in the Lord.

Finally, complaining leads to more complaining. God would provide heavenly bread from heaven! Is this enough? Of course not! Israel will make quite a habit of complaining after this. They will fuss their whole way to the Promised Land, fuss when they get to the Promised Land, fuss after the Promised Land, and fuss Moses out of the Promised Land.

It is a simple lesson that takes a long time to learn. Refrain from complaining, that you may be blameless and pure. Do we deserve that much? We should instead become 1Thessalonians 5:16-18 people. Look it up and check it out and tell me what you think.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Exodus 15

“And he said, If you will carefully listen to the voice of Jehovah your God, and will do that which is right in His sight, and will give ear to His commandments, and keep all His Laws, I will put none of these diseases upon you, which I have brought upon the Egyptians; for I am Jehovah who heals you” (Exodus 15:26).

Israel makes it across the Red Sea. The people rejoice and sing his song of praise. Never again will we see judgment set upon the earth in such a supernatural way until we come to the Book of Revelation. Truly the people had something to rejoice about. As it is said in verse 16, “Till the people pass over, Whom You have purchased.” This describes all of us! We are a purchased people, baptized in the waters of atonement, brought fourth to a new life.

How then does sin affect the believer? What happens when you sin after you have become saved? Are there still repercussions? If we re punished for sinning, does this mean we were not 100% forgiven?

Read Exodus 15:26 over again. God has set the world up for purity. Think of natural spring water. On every bottle of natural spring water they want you to know that their water is pure. There are no weird creatures in it, or bacteria lying around. The water is pure. Believe it or not, so is life. Life with Jesus is 100% pure. We are to do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments.

Sin is like a harmful piece of bacteria in our pure water. It makes the whole bottle of water bad! As Mr. O’Keefe shared last night, 30 years of righteous living can be thrown away by 30 minutes of flesh time. Sin can terribly affect the Christian walk. It still is present, though it is always forgiven. Think of the many diseases sin causes. It causes the disease of selfishness, pride, lust corruption, lying, jealousy, addiction, and other wicked things. It only makes sense that sin would cause literal, physical diseases as well.

Follow Jesus. He has a plan for you. Pray this week. Come to church and pray with us. If you cannot pray with us, pray alone in your room for a half an hour during the time we pray. We all want purity. I want a life that shines for Jesus, therefore a life where none of these diseases can take root and kill my spiritual ability to walk with Him.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Exodus 14

Exodus 14

“And Moses said to the people, Do not fear. Stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah, which He will prepare for you this day. For the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you shall never see them anymore” (Exodus 14:13).

Salvation is the theme of the first 14 chapters of Exodus. As we continue into the rest of this book you may be wondering, “What is left?” We have already covered the story of Israel’s deliverance out of Egypt in the first 14 chapters. The rest of this book, the rest of Leviticus, and the rest of Numbers has one theme to it: salvation. As of this point salvation has happened, now we follow the Lord.

The Red Sea is a perfect ending to this exodus. In the beginning of our story we have Moses, set apart to be a deliverer. Jesus came to deliver us. We have the plagues, the mighty wonders of God. We have Jesus performing miracles throughout His life. We then have the Passover, the blood of the lamb cast upon the doors. We see next that Jesus gives of His own life, the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 5, read it!). Finally, we have the baptism. This is no other than the Red Sea parting.

Think about the people of Israel. As they are along the Red Sea they see the Chariots of Egypt. Egypt is a type of the world. Here we see the world come roaring up in all its fury. Before salvation, we would just give in to the world. Now we run to Jesus. So God parted the sea over the course of the night. This differs from the movies. It took the whole night. It was not all at once.

With salvation come, we are called to baptism. What is baptism? This is an outward representation that you are no longer following the way of the world, but trusting in God. Imagine if every baptism involved you having to go through two walls of sea. It would be a little more credibility into the whole event. As Israel passes from one side of the sea to the next, they were saying, “No longer am I a slave to the world but now a follower of Jehovah.”

Jesus has provided Salvation. He has died on the cross. Does baptism complete salvation? No, in that, Jesus has already done all the work and we are not required to ever touch a body of water to be saved. Yes, in that, unless you choose to trust Jesus and let go of this world, you will never have salvation. My exhortation to you is, let go of the world. You do not need a body of water to be baptized and to openly declare, “I am going to follow Jesus.” We are passing from one world of slavery to a world of promise. Trust, and do not look any other direction but His.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Call to Prayer

hey everyone, this Sunday the Jr. High will be staying in service. Pastor Jim will be sharing a special message about prayer to kick off the week of prayer. If you can, plan on joining us this next week to pray. We are all just as much a part of this body as the rest of the adults, so we should come and seek the Lord as well. Even if you can't come out, I encourage all of you to spend some time in the evenings praying for the same things we will be praying for at the church. I will be posting the prayer points here on the blog everyday.

Exodus 13

And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.
(Exo 13:21-22)

We mentioned this yesterday, but I would like us to look a little closer at it now. Let’s begin with the cloud:

It LED them – This cloud served the purpose of showing them the way to go. The Lord used it to guide and direct them on their journey. When it moved they would move. When it stopped they would stop. God didn’t free them from Pharaoh and then say, “Alright, you’re on your own”. Nor did He give them a map and a compass, or a GPS and some co-ordinates! He wanted to lead them HIMSELF! The same is true of us. The Lord has given us His Word and His Holy Spirit to guide us in the way we should go. He didn’t leave us alone to figure it out, nor did He give us a copy of the “game plan” and then split; He is here to lead us every step of the way. We need to learn to follow the Lord. To go when He goes, and stop when He stops.
It PROTECTED them – This cloud protected them, it shielded them from the heat of the sun. As long as they followed the Lord, and stayed close to Him, they had protection from the heat and intensity of the day. This is also true of us. As we follow the Lord, He doesn’t remove us from this world, but He does protect us and shield us from its harshest attacks. Even when we are walking through a spiritual dessert, dry and lifeless, we are kept under the shadow of His wings… What a great comfort!


It PROVIDED LIGHT for them – This is very important, the pillar of fire chased away the darkness. In the darkness danger can hide, in the darkness people can stumble and fall, in the darkness things can be hidden. The Lord is our Light. We need not fear, for when we are with Him, we are safe… our way is illuminated, the pitfalls revealed, the hidden faults exposed. We dwell in light so that we can live in real fellowship with Him! What a wonderful gift. We do not have to walk in darkness, but are provided with a light!
It PROVIDED HEAT for them – It was a fire… Even in the cold harsh climate of the world, they had warmth, a fire to keep them alive. We have the same thing. This world wants to freeze our love for God, and destroy us with its harsh outlook on life. But we need not fear, for if we stay near the Lord and continue to follow Him, we have the fire of His love to warm our hearts and protect us from the world!

Rejoice in the great provision of the Lord, and as He leads the way, just be faithful to continue to follow!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Exodus 12

And the LORD spoke unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.
(Exo 12:1-2)

And it came to pass the selfsame day, that the LORD did bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies.
(Exo 12:51)

New Beginnings… There is really nothing quite like them! This was to mark a new beginning for the nation of Israel. 430 years they had spent in Egypt, 430 years waiting for the promise of REDEMPTION. They so looked forward to the day when they would be freed, and that day had come!

Redemption and a fresh start always go hand in hand. When we accept the offer of salvation, and are “bought back” by God, our former life is erased and we are given a fresh start. In this chapter we see a fresh start for an entire nation! This event literally changed the calendar, because from this point forward everything would be different. They were about to set out on a journey that would end with them residing in the land they had been promised!

The day we were bought back from this world is just as remarkable, and it changed the course of HUMAN HISTORY. When Jesus died and rose again, He gave EVERY MAN a fresh start, a new beginning. Just like the children of Israel, this new beginning isn’t just the close of one chapter in our lives, but the beginning of a new one. Our redemption isn’t the end all of the Christian life, it is just the beginning! When we receive Jesus, we begin a life-long journey to the Promised Land, just like the Israelites did. They didn’t go it alone, God provided for their every need! Led by a cloud by day, and fire by night… fed with quail and manna… water that came pouring out of a rock… enemies buried at the bottom of the sea… Shoes and clothes that never wore out!

Just like God covered ALL of the Israelites needs on their journey, He likewise covers ours as we walk the straight and narrow path. He leads us every step of the way, provides for our needs, and protects us from the enemy! In many ways we are JUST LIKE the children of Israel during the Exodus.

As we read through the rest of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy; let’s put ourselves in the shoes of the Israelites, and learn from them just what this Christian life is all about. We can follow them in their triumphs, avoid their mistakes, and grow with them in faith. WELCOME TO THE JOURNEY TO THE PROMISED LAND, ENJOY THE RIDE!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Exodus 11

And Moses said, Thus saith the LORD, About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt: And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts. And there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there was none like it, nor shall be like it any more. But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the LORD doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel. And all these thy servants shall come down unto me, and bow down themselves unto me, saying, Get thee out, and all the people that follow thee: and after that I will go out. And he went out from Pharaoh in a great anger.
(Exo 11:4-8)

I have often heard people use this event in history to claim that the “God of the Old Testament” was not loving, gracious or compassionate because He killed babies. I believe that the “God of the Old Testament” is the same as the “God of the New Testament”, and that if we look closer at today’s chapter, we see His love displayed.

Check it out; God is giving Pharaoh one last chance to repent. He warns him of just how awful this last judgment will be… He warns him that every household in Egypt will be affected, but the Israelites will not. He warns Pharaoh that THE EGYPTIANS would then INSIST that the Israelites leave the country, the very thing they wanted to do that started this whole mess.

All of God’s Judgments come in increments, and Pharaoh was about to experience the greatest judgment of all, the 7th judgment (7 is symbolic of completeness). If we look in the book of Revelation at the final judgments of this world, they come in sets of 7. Seven seals on the scroll, seven trumpets, and seven bowls of God’s wrath. The judgment of this world will be complete and total in every way!

But like Pharaoh all of the earth has been given a chance to repent before God’s judgment falls. This chance at redemption, this opportunity to escape the wrath to come is only available because someone else took the judgment for us…

Think about this final judgment in Egypt… The firstborn son of Pharaoh would be slain. God sacrificed His own son, in our place, so that we would not have to face eternal judgment.

People have it all wrong, for if they knew the rest of the story, they would know that this wasn’t about a vindictive God, killing babies and terrorizing nations… This is about a God of love who would give His own son just to save sinners like you and I.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Exodus 10

And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. And Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven; and there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days: They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.
(Exo 10:21-23)

Darkness which can be felt… Just the thought of it gives me chills. I have only been in absolute darkness a couple of times, and it’s one of the weirdest things in the world. It was in a cave, deep in a cave, and we all turned out our lights… you literally couldn’t see your hand in front of your face… and you could FEEL it. It’s like the walls are closing in on you, it’s totally oppressive, and you feel really claustrophobic.

This is the darkness that set in over Egypt… for 72 hours! It’s disorienting, you can’t tell if you are sitting, lying, or standing… you don’t remember where you are or which way you are facing! Imagine what it must have been like for those who were out and about the city when the darkness fell… 72 hours of lying their helpless, it says that no one moved for 3 days!

I love the fact that this darkness didn’t touch the children of God… they had light in their houses! The bible tells us that Hell will be a place of “outer darkness”, probably a lot like what the Egyptians experienced… but in the new heaven and new earth, when we reside in the New Jerusalem; the Bible says it will NEVER be dark, for the LORD will be our light.

Today the world is groping about in spiritual darkness. So dark they can feel it, not knowing which way is up or down. But for us, we have the Light of the Lord… we never have to wander around, feeling, groping, unsure of where we are. The Lord is a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path.

Youth Leader - Episode One

Here it is... The first episode of YOUTH LEADER!

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