Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Welcome to the 3 Year Bible Study!!!

We will begin posting the daily readings and devotional thoughts on Sunday, September 3rd... starting then you should find a new post every day!!!

Keep Reading,
Tommy & Hector


Anonymous said...

I love this blog. Keep up the awsome work. God realy wants you to be doing this.

Anonymous said...

"Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." -Gen. 1:2

This verse blew my mind! Just picturing the earth, completely empty, and the Spirit of God, "hovering over the waters." I don't know, I find it amazing.

Anonymous said...

I love how Melissa, Pastor Jim, and Amelia's leg are in the background of your picture.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for creating these devos. They're awesome. They make me want to come back every day and read them!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what snakes looked like before they were cursed!

Anonymous said...

"You will be accepted if you respond in the right way. But if you refuse to respond correctly, then watch out. Sin is waiting to attack and destroy you! Gen.4:7

This verse is very true! So keep your guard up and ask the Lord to help you respond correctly

Anonymous said...

Hey Whats up with the "Code Names?" This whole thing was put together so we could hold each other accountable! How are we going to do that if we don't know who's who?!? Just a thought

Anonymous said...

I love these devos.
I am going to try to read them all.
Are you going to do psalms 119 in one day?
Tommy and Hector ROCK!!!
Strictly for my ninja.

Tommy & Hector said...

We probably are going to keep to the schedule for Psalm 119. There are multiple ways to handle this. You can read ahead because a lot of the Psalms before this are short. Anyhow, I think it would be cool to have a special side blog for Psalm 119 when we get to it. Who knows! Psalm 119 is broken into 8 verse segments which are all focused only on the Word of God and its influence. I have actually made it a habbit to read one of these 8 verse sections every night before I go to bed. I love being reminded of the Word and its power! When I'm done, I start over again. Check it out

Anonymous said...

I love these DEVOS. The first thing I do when I wake up is read the newly posted one. I have told all my friends about them , and one of them siad they don't like to read them!! I don't understand why. I think they are great!

Anonymous said...

I bet alot of us have seen that add on TV for the "Quaker Chewy Bars" with the reduced calories. There seems to be a trend going around, where everyone is watching there carb and calorie intake. I think it is great that we don't have to watch our intake of God or His Word! We can have as much as we want, and it won't change our apperance on the outside, it will on the inside, and then that will change how others see us on the outside. Go ahead have all you want of Gods Word.

Anonymous said...

I was reading the comments this morning, and I came across a B.C. comic. It was about Noah's ark. The little boy asked how God could choose only Noah, and let everyone else die. The dad said that Noah was the only rightous man, and He wanted some one who know what a cubit was. What is a cubit anyway?

Anonymous said...

Hey guys ,I never thought I would say this, but Kyle makes sense! What is up with all these code names? Most of our parents probly told us to never give out personal info in the internet, but what are Tommy and Hector going to do with it. We know them so its not like they are going to do a google search on us!!!!

Tommy & Hector said...

Hey Catherine, about the cubit...

There seems to be no set standard in history for how long a cubit was, but the best guess would make the one mentioned here between 16 & 18 inches...

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys

Anonymous said...

If anyone is seing this then you will now know that I am THE NINJA???

Anonymous said...

And Gregory will never post again.
Strictly for my ninja!!!

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