Friday, February 01, 2008

Job 29

In this chapter we have Job recount to his friends the way that things once where, the blessings that he possessed as a man who followed the Lord and was used by the Lord. Let’s take a minute and look at what some of these things were:

  1. God’s presence was clearly felt in Job’s home
  2. God’s protection was clearly seen over Job’s family
  3. God’s blessing was clearly seen over Job’s industry
  4. He had a position of respect and prominence in the community
  5. He had a reputation for being a great and godly man
  6. He devoted his life to devoting the helpless; widows, orphans, strangers, and those oppressed
  7. He was like a tree, constantly refreshed and renewed by God’s living water
  8. His counsel was respected and sought after
  9. I comforted the mourning and the discouraged
  10. I was a leader to the people

These things are all circumstances. They are in no way permanent fixtures that come with being a Christian. There will be times in the life of a godly man or woman that things look this way. At other times, they may lose all of this. The one thing that never changes is the Lord’s faithfulness to us. He loves us and is always with us, through good times and bad.

Job said at the beginning of the book that “the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord”. Tomorrow we will see Job recount how these circumstances had changed. What Job never forgets is that the Lord is still worthy of praise.

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