Saturday, April 07, 2007

Judges 4

Judges 4

Today we are learning about Deborah. We are told in verse 4 that Deborah is a prophetess. She also served as the judge of Israel. She was a woman who followed the Lord. Even when Israel was failing to do so, and doing evil in the sight of the Lord, Deborah stood up for what is right. The woman was a champ.

Israel had once again fallen into idolatry. Once again God raises up judges (deliverers). He raised up Deborah to lead Israel back to the Lord by her wisdom and example. He raised up Barak to save Israel from the hand of the enemy in battle. There was one problem, Barak had little faith in his God. Like the rest of Israel, Barak did not lean on the Lord. However, Barak did notice that Deborah did. In fact, he noticed that the Lord was doing a work in Deborah.

Gang, too often people are like Barak. They know what it is to follow Jesus. Maybe they have even followed Jesus for a season. Now they do not have any faith to allow Jesus to be Lord over their life. And yet they still recognize the Lord doing a work through your life. Have you ever had someone come up to you and ask, “Pray for me, because God listens to you.” In one way, it is nice to know they are recognizing that you have a personal relation with Jesus Christ. In another way, it is oh so sad because in a way they are saying, “I still do not want to give up my life but I still want the benefits of being a Christian.” They want the Lord to be with them and even in them, but just not the head of their life.

This is Barak. He does not have enough faith to walk into battle and be a deliverer therefore, seeing the faith Deborah has in God, he asks for her to come along. Deborah agrees, but promises that the glory which would have once belonged to him would be given to a woman. One battle and one tent peg later, the enemy, Sisera, is dead.

We are to live as Deborah’s in a world of unbelievers. We are to be steadfast. I can think of many people who accept that Jesus is the Lord, but just do not want to make Jesus the Lord over their life. This was the difference between Barak and Deborah. Live and shine and give God the glory.

Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Happy Birthday Kyle


Anonymous said...

did you know that deborah looked like a stallion!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kyle!
Are you turning 16? I can not remember.

Anonymous said...

Happy Sweet Sixteen Kyle!

Anonymous said...

how dare someone try to portray my mother!!!!!!!!!!!! haha just kidding!!!!!!!!! and yes i am sixteen!!!

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